of the Lazy Literatus

Tag: Kevin Gascoyne

A Rare Tea Tasting with Kevin Gascoyne

As some of you have seen—via my social media—in June, I was at World Tea Expo.

For those who don’t follow me on those platforms . . . I don’t blame you. But that’s beside the point. In the middle of June, I trekked down to Las Vegas for my fifth World Tea Expo. (Oh wait, I already kinda said that.) I’ve . . . got a lot to say about that, but this missive isn’t about that, rather it’s about something else entirely.

A Taste of the Tea Studio

Sometime in early spring, my tea-centric social media feed blew up with images of this:

Image owned by the Tea Studio.

My first thought was, Wow, that is one SWEET mansion!

A modern-looking building, decked out with many windows allowing for natural light, smack-dab in the middle of a tea garden? It was as if someone drilled into my brain and pulled out the ideal image of the sweetest tea blogger bachelor pad, ever. But why was it showing up in my feed(s)?

As it turns out, it wasn’t a residence, but rather a factory—dubbed the Tea Studio.

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